Complaints, Concerns and Compliments Policy

Rosslyn Practice Limited welcomes any comments you may have on the services we provide, whether that is a complaint, a suggestion or a compliment.  Our aim is to provide the best possible care and treatment for our patients and understand that although we strive for excellence, occasionally things may go wrong or may not be how you would like, your feedback is key to the practice learning and promoting best practice.


If you are pleased with your care and treatment, please let us know as this helps us to develop good practice and improve the quality of care.  You can contact the Operations Manager via email (upon request) or in writing to the practice address – 18 Rosslyn Hill, Hampstead, London, NW3 1PD.

Informal Complaints / Concerns

As a patient, relative or carer, you may wish to raise a concern about any aspect of your care but do not want to make a formal complaint.  We aim to respond to those complaints at the time, but if you are not satisfied, then you are entitled to make a formal complaint.

You may also make a complaint on behalf of someone else, provided you have their written consent, and the practice is satisfied you are acting in their best interests. If the practice decides this is not the case, you will be notified in writing and an explanation given. In order to make a complaint on behalf of someone else you will need to complete a consent form.

We are not able to deal with questions of legal liability or compensation.  We hope you will allow us to investigate and, if necessary, correct any problems that you have identified, or mistakes that have been made.

Formal Complaints

It is important that you contact us as soon as possible after the cause of the complaint.  We will usually only investigate complaints that are made within 6 months of the cause of the complaint, however, the time limit can be waived if there are good reasons you could not have complained sooner.

Please put your complaint in writing to the Operations Manager.

Verbal Complaints

Patients unable or unwilling to put their complaint in writing may make their formal complaint verbally.  Where a complaint is made verbally, the complaint shall be recorded, and a copy of the written record given to the complainant.

Practice Response

We will acknowledge the complaint within 3 working days of receipt verbally or in writing. When acknowledging the complaint, we may offer to meet with you to discuss the complaint, at a time to suit you. We will advise the way the complaint will be investigated and the likely timescale for this investigation and when the complainant is likely to receive a written response.

If you do not want to meet for a discussion, then we will determine the response time and notify you in writing.  We will aim to provide a written response within 10 working days. We will let you know if it is likely to be longer than this, and keep you updated with the progress of your complaint.  The written response will include an explanation of how the complaint has been considered, conclusions reached and how they may affect you.  It will confirm any actions that need to be taken as a consequence of the complaint.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome

If you are not satisfied with your reply from the practice, then you have the right to approach the Dental Complaints Service (DCS) are a team of trained advisors who aim to help private dental patients and professionals settle complaints about private dental care fairly and efficiently.

Funded by the GDC, the DCS provides a free and impartial service to mediate between patient and professional.

You can find out more information on the DCS website or use the contact form.

Their contact details are:

Dental Complaints Service 
37 Wimpole Street

Telephone: 020 8253 0800
(Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm)

Help and advice

You may also approach the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
